KOC - Korean Organic Certification

Eco-friendly Agriculture Products

Types and Criteria of Certifications

● Organic Agricultural Products 

Agricultural products grown organically without using organic synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

● Pesticide-free Agricultural Products 

Agricultural products grown without using synthetic organic pesticides and using chemical fertilizers less than 1/3 of the recommended fertilization amount.

● Organic Livestock Products

Livestock products raised by feeding organic feed that does not contain antibiotics, synthetic antibiotics, or hormones.

● Organic Processed Food Products

Foods manufactured, processed and distributed in an organic way using raw materials which contain 70% or more or 95% or more of organic livestock and fishery products and organic processed foods, and using permitted additives or processing aids.

● Organic processed food not intended for human consumption

Items that are produced, manufactured or processed, or handled processed items in an organic way using raw materials or materials for organic products for consumption or used in a way not directly consumed by humans.

● Pesticide-free Ingredient Processed Food

Foods manufactured, processed, and distributed using organic foods, pesticide-free agricultural products, and permitted additives or processing aids as raw materials or materials using 50% or more of non-pesticide agricultural products of the total raw material content.

● Handle

Businesses that bring in eco-friendly agricultural products, organic food, etc. or non-edible processed products as products and dismantle the packaging to subdivide or simply process, transport, pack, or import.

What are Eco-friendly Agriculture Certification?

To promote biodiversity and biological circulation and activity in the soil, and to keep agricultural ecosystems healthy 

Refer to agricultural and livestock products produced in a healthy environment that does not use or minimizes the use of chemical materials such as synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics and antibacterial agents.

According to the strict standards set by the government, professional certification body accredited by the government certifies that agricultural and livestock products are produced in a healthy environment that does not use or minimizes the use of chemical materials by screening and testing.

Eco-friendly agricultural and livestock management, and strict quality inspection to ensure compliance with certification standards in the production and shipment stages, such as growth and harvest, as well as soil and water, and thorough follow-up management to ensure that there are no false labels or non-compliant certified products for commercial products are doing

Quality inspection for compliance with certification standards in the production and shipment stages such as management of eco-friendly agricultural products, soil and water, growth and harvest

Thorough follow-up management to ensure that there are no certified products on the market that display false information or do not comply with regulations.

Overseas Inspection

  • By having inspectors residing overseas to conduct the certification inspection, inspection cost (travel expenses etc.) are minimized and efficiency and accuracy of the inspection are optimized.
  • In close cooperation with numerous overseas certification bodies across the globe: East/South/North Asia, Europe, Oceania, Central and South America, etc.

Gaining efficiency utilizing overseas residency inspectors

  • Reduction of travel expenses
  • Dramatic reduction of follow-up management costs
  • Increased work efficiency by using data from local organizations
  • Smooth communication with local certified operators

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Certification Process

The certification process is independent and transparent.